What is a seamless gutter?
The majority of gutters installed on homes are installed in sections of 20-25 ft. lengths or shorter. When you need a gutter longer than this, 2 or 3 gutters are seamed together forming joints that can and will leak over time. A seamless gutter starts out as a roll of flat metal that we take to your house. It is then pushed through our machine in a “cold rollforming” process to whatever length is needed.
What about corners?
The industry term for our type of gutter is “seamless” however we prefer to use “extruded” because you can’t make a corner “seamless”. We miter the two gutters where they meet at the corner by pop riveting them together and then applying a special terpolymer sealant that lasts longer, is stickier and is more flexible than anything else we have tried or seen.
Do aluminum gutters rust or corrode?
No, they do not, and therefore will outlast other steel and galvanized gutters.
What if I need a gutter longer than 50 ft.?
With gutters over 50 ft. we put in an “expansion joint”. This is not the same type of joint that most gutters have. Our expansion joint allows 2 gutters to move independently of each other while looking like 1. The 2 gutters can move back and forth without interfering with each other or pulling on the sealant at the expansion joint.
Can you make steel/galvanized gutters?
No. We strictly do aluminum for the main purpose that they do not rust out and leak like steel and galvanized gutters creating a much longer lifespan.
Aren’t aluminum gutters weaker than steel?
The base metal is weaker however we have found ways to strengthen them to the point they can hold several feet of snow without a problem. The largest drawback to aluminum is that they dent easier than steel.
How do you strengthen an aluminum gutter for heavy snow loads?
The main thing we do is add more hangers that connect the front of the gutter to the back. For example instead of putting these every 2 feet on the gutter we might put them every 12 inches or even 6 inches in some cases. In some instances where the snow is sliding off the roof we may require a gutter cover to assist the snow in sliding over the gutter and not catching it.
Can you make any shape or size of gutter?
No. For every style of gutter you need a new machine. At this time we only have a 6” fascia style gutter.
Will I have to paint these?
No. The material we use is already painted in 30 different color choices. It is a baked on enamel paint that does not chip or peel.